The Hub Fun!
Have a look at what we've been up to at the hub!
On the 5th of April 2023 The Warm Hub Space had some fun! Everyone had fun making Easter cards and bunny ear crowns! The designs were colourful and fantastic! I'm sure the Easter bunny will be visiting them all!

Easter Halfterm 2024
This half term we had some great fun making our own animal masks and decorating our own yummy biscuits! Have a look for yourself below!
The scrumptious biscuits and amazing animal masks!
A very spooky Halloween with screaming pumpkin pies and scary masks!
30th October 2024
2025 Welcome Dinner - 18th January
A dinner to welcome the new year, open our new space, celebrate a new partnership with Dementia Active and also celebrate a young community member's birthday! Thank you to our wonderful and amazing RAF chefs and front of house, who cooked for hours and helped prepare the space for our guests! The food and service was enjoyed by everyone who attended! Thank you to Cpl Rick Bowers, Cpl James Timms, Cpl Ed Horsman, AS1 Dylan Wootton, AS1 Jonny Walker and AS1 Bethany Sims. We look forward to more events together in the future!